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Teaching Philosophy

When looking at the image of the succulent from above, one may not see the purpose or why that represents teaching to me.  The answer revolves around a special series of numbers called the Fibonacci Sequence. The list starts out as 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21… then continues with each next number being the sum of the two before.  What fascinates me about this sequence is how it weaves its way through multiple avenues of study. Historically, one can explore and find that Leonardo Fibonacci, who the sequence is named after, didn’t create the problem that led to the sequence, rather he translated the problem from Hindu-Arabic into language more accessible by his fellow man.  Scientifically, the sequence shows up in the way leaves grow around their stem so as to get the most amount of energy from the sun. Artistically, there is the Golden Ratio, or the Divine Proportion, which makes its way into multiple paintings and even the pyramids. As one compares two successive numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence, the higher in the series of numbers one goes, the closer the ratio gets to the golden ratio.  Technologically, the sequence is a type of Fractal, which are being used to create digital renderings of natural elements for movies. In short, the Fibonacci sequence, represented here in the image of a succulent, connects math, science, history, technology, and even the visual arts. Making these connections, and providing opportunities for students to make connections of their own, is what teaching means to me.


Part of the reason I feel so strongly about connecting across subject matter is because of my own love for both mathematics and art.  I believe that the two seemingly opposite subjects are linked together through problem solving, and systematic approaches. A student who does not feel a connection to the arts but really likes math can be inspired by the works of M.C. Escher and artists of the Renaissance who explored mathematically based perspective.  Although they engage opposite sides of the brain, I believe they build upon each other, rather than exist as separate areas of study. All of these connections form a web of knowledge that helps to prepare students for their future, and hopefully inspires them to become lifelong learners.


Furthermore, making connections goes beyond the academic.  Every student has his or her own history, interests, learning style and knowledge that they bring to a classroom upon entering it for the first time.  It is the teacher’s job to cultivate these components of students’ backgrounds and help them grow. One of the best ways to allow for the students to shine is to create a classroom culture through which relationships can form and students feel comfortable to share.  Student-student, teacher-student, teacher-parent, classroom-community, all these relationships are just connections on a social level. As a teacher, I believe we need to support positive social emotional learning to help benefit and teach to the whole student.  By providing opportunities for social learning, a teacher can support growth in both academics and life outside of the classroom.


It can be easy, especially teaching in a secondary setting, to live in a secluded world of one subject in one classroom.  This is due to the structure of the day, the requirements of the state and all other teaching responsibilities. However, in real life, we do not live in a box, and neither should ones teaching. By integrating these different connections throughout lessons, I believe my students’ lives will be enriched to become lifelong learners.  They will approach the world with an appreciation for the arts, mathematics and all areas of study. Furthermore, they will be more equipped to take on challenges and solve problems in a creative, productive way.

If you're interested in learning more about the Fibonacci Sequence, check out these videos!

Middle of Teaching Philosophy
Photo Attribution:  All Photographs were either provided by Emily Ekdom or the Wix site unless otherwise indicated.

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